Selected Families and Individuals


Esper Jensen

1 MISC Lyneborg, 46 Slg. Vestermarie, Bornholm

Eskild Jensen Dich

According to "Bornholmske Stednavne" Eschel Jensen Dich was the owner of"Dikkegaard" (aka "Dichegaard") from 1755 until his death in 1796, whenhis son Hans Eskildsen Dich inherited. The farm had previously beenknown as: Bækkegård, and after left the ownership of the Dich-family itonce again became known by that name.

After the death of his first wife in 1756 he moved to Gudhjem, mortgagingBækkegård to Jens Kofoed Larsen. That same year records show he gave 3Dalers to Rønne Hospital. According to the church records he died of"brystsyge" (breast-sickness, probably Tuberculosis).

According to " Militærbeskrivelse over Øen Bornholm" by U. Salchow,published by the Bornholm Historical Society in 1954, Bækkegård, in 1813,consisted of "7 tønder hartkorn" (production in barrels of wheat), thiswas average for Østermarie parish. Other sources: "PersonalhistoriskTidsskrift 1984"; and "Den bornholmske slægt Dich", by Bent Bergsøe ogMogens Rosenløv, page 164.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Albert Eskildsen Dich

1 MISC Emigrated to ??

Records tell us that in 1822 Albert Dich: "Farer til søs, er ikke her pålandet" (Went to sea, to which land is not known).

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Marie Christophersdatter

From the 1845 census of Østermarie parish:
#106, a house: Lars Dideriksen, 55 years old, born in Åker parish,"Husejer, lever af sin jordlod"; Marie Christophersen, 85 years old, bornRø parish; his wife. Marie's daughter: Sidsele Jensen, 44 years, bornØstermarie parish, widow; and her son: Jens Mathias Hansen, 9 years, bornØstermarie parish.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Hans Eskildsen Dich

During the time of Hans Dich's life Bækkegård was known as "Dichegaard".Current address is: Jættebrovej 1. The present buildings were erectedafter a fire around 1920.

In October of 1798 daughter "Sissele" was carried to be christened byPeter Kur's wife from Gadeby. Witnesses: Hans Larsen, Peter Korsen(Thorsen?), Maurits Busch, Kirstine Koefod of Maglegaard, Sidsel JensEbsen's wife. She was confirmed in the Østermarie church in 1814, withthe following citation: "Veloplyst og af god opførsel" (Well learned andof good behaviour).

In the "Pedsonalhistorisk Tidskrift" of 1984, page 168, in the article:"Den bornholmske slægt Dich" by Bent Bergsøe og Mogens Rosenløv isdetailed the probate proceedings after Hans Dich's death in 1822. Thefarm was sold for 1,350 Rigsdalers, and the inventory totalled 599Rigsdalers, 2 Marks and 13 Skillings. After the debts were payed therewas 174 Rigsdalers, 4 Marks and 1 Skilling left to be divided between theheirs.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Poul Larsen

1 MISC Day-Labourer (Daglejer)

Poul Larsen was a fisherman's son working as a farmhand when he marriedthe farmer's somewhat older step-daughter, but her family did not approveof the marriage and declined to witness at the wedding. So instead thewitnesses at the wedding were fisherman Lars Svendsen and tailor HansPeter Larsen, both of Listed.

It does not say much for Poul Larsen that his daughter Anne Margrethe'sbirth was never properly registered, and that furthermore he did not haveany contact with her at the time of her confirmation, "his where aboutsunknown" (faderens opholdssted var ukendt).

Cecilie's father had died nine years before her marriage, and if therewas anything left of her inheritance it soon disappeared after herwedding. Probate records for Bornholm's east county show Cecilie Dich ashaving died on March 12, 1842, and that "Indsidder Poul Larsens" wifeCecilie Hansdatter of Ypnested was buried at the expense of the publiccoffer.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Hans Jensen

1 MISC Gadebygård grund, Propr. Østermarie, Bornholm




From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1658, compiled during the Swedish occupationof the island:
Öster Häradt, Östermarck Sochn, Skattehemman, Nr. 62: Hans Holdst. . .12 Daler, 19 Öre, 4 Fr.

From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1662:
Øster Herridt, Østermarch Sogn, Bunde, Nr. 62: Hans Hollst.

Extracted from the probate for Anders Larsen, July 11, 1682, page 120b:
Anno 1682 den 11de Jully er efter louglig giorde tillinsning, holdenregistering og wurdering, sampt skifte og deeling efter sal. Anders Larsen som boede og døde paa Øllegaarden i Østermarie Sogn, den 58gaard. Imellem hans efterladte hustrue Kirstine Jørgensdatter, for hende lauverger Capitain Hans Koefod ibidm, som sig self efter enchensbegiering, der till præsenterede, paa dend eene, saa og deris auledebørn, som er en søn og 2 døttre. Sammen ved naun Lars Andersen gammel 22aar, for hannem er tilsinns verge Jep Jensen. Dend elste daatterMargrete Andersdaatter i egteskab med ermelte Jep Jensen som for hendesuarer. Dend yngste daatter er Signe Andersdaatter gammel 16 aar, forhende verger hendis halfbroder Hans Hansen Holst ibd., de samptlig paa dend anden side. . . Tilstaaende gield fandtes en obligation af dato dend12 October Ao. 1676 udgiuet til sal. Anders Larsen af Jens Pedersen i ØsterM Sogn, med for skring udi dend 17 gaard i Jordebogs tallet. . .Enken at hende andnu tilkom efter Vel Edle Hr. Landsdommer MathiasRaschis domb af dato 26 Janvary Ao. '81 andgaaende en obligation, udgiuen af sal. Per Hansen Holst paa penge. . . Hans Hansen i ØsterM Sogn erskyldig til boet, gaards leje af den 62 gaards bo penge. . . .

From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1689:
Østerherridt, Østermarie Sogn, Bunde, Nr. 58: Laurids Andersen.

From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1691:
Øster Herridt, Øster Marie Sogn, Nr. 58: Anders Lauridsens enche, er Self Ejergaard.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.