1 _FA1
2 PLAC Middleclass Citizen (Borger)
1 MISC Brændesgårde, 5 Slg. Ibsker, Bornholm
According to the mortgage register Jochum Thiesen was one of the island'swealthiest men. An unknown source states that Jochum Thiesen died in1680.From Bornholm's Jordebog, April 19, 1661:
Suaneke: Jochum Thiesen. . . Tolff tønder. Anders Thiesen. . . Sextønder.From Bornholm's Militia register of 1678:
Rictig fortegnelse af mandtall paa Svanniche Borgerschab som følger.Først Byens Øffrighed: Povell Koefoed - Borgermester, Peder Koefoed -Raadmand, Hans Lejedring - Raadmand, David Wolsen - Raadmand ochCapetain, Anders Thiesen - Raadmand och Lieutenant, Hans Dich - Fendrich,Bent Mortensen - Sargiant, Mads Andersen - Corporall, Anders Hop -Corporal, Lauridz Erichsen - Tambuer. Constabler: Sander Dich, PederOlufsen, Jens Erichsen, Peder Andersen. Rodemester: Jochum Thiesen. . . .From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1689:
Østerherridt, Ibscher Sogn, Bunde, Nr. 5: Jochum Tiesens enke.From the Svaneke kirkebog:
February 27, 1711: #7, Begravedis Margrete sl. Jochum Thiis, gl. 81 aar.February 27, 1711: #8, Begravedis Jochum Thiisen, gammel 39 aar.
Extracted (by Michael EneRiis) from the probate for Margrethe, Svanekeprobates, February 28 & March 14, 1711:
. . . skifte efter afgangne erlig og. . . Madame Margrethe sal. JochumThiesens hustru her udi Svaneke og hendes salig søn Jochum Thiesen. . .efterladte arvinger: Anders Thiesen i Rønne, Peder Thiesen i Nexø, beggeegen værger. Margrethe Jochumsdatter gift med velærværdige. . . TrineJochumsdatter, sal. Leut. . . Kofoedtz efterleverske, paatog sig at værelavværge ærlig og. . . standige mand Anders Hansen, borger og ind. . .Noch tager arf salig Claus Thiesens efterladte børn, som er en søn vednavn Jocum Clausen paa 10de aar og en datter Margrethe Clausdatter paa7de aar, som arver udi deris sted. For dem blev at. . . stedfader JørgenDanielsen Steenbech . . . tilsynsværge, . . . en sølvstob med Margrethesal. Jochum Thiesens navn paa. . . noch en mindre med MSJT anno 1696. . .en sølvske med Hans Knudsens navn paa. . . nock en ditto med navn MJST(maybe this is a mistake, a transposition of: MSJT) anno 1703. . . entallerken med navn JTS 1707. . .The probate is about 65 pages and unfortunately there are no clues to theidentity of Margrethe. Always she is refered to as "Margrethe saligJochum Thiesens".
Burials of sons Peder and Claus Thiesen from the Svaneke kirkebog:
January 17, 1707: #1, 17 Januarius begravedis Claus Thiisøn, gammel 41aar, 9 maaned og 2 uger. (Born circa April 1665.)May 9, 1735: #4, 9 Maji begr. Peder Thisøn en gammel Krøgler, 73 aar.(Born circa 1662.)
My own assertion that Jochum Thiesen's wife Margrethe is the daughter ofClaus Kiøller (and Margrethe Simonsdatter Munch?) of Kjøllergård, 13'Slg. Ibsker, is based on:
1) In the May 5, 1704 Svaneke probate for Didrich Mogensen tells us thathe was betrothed to "Birgitte Torkild Kjøllersdatter", and further thatBirgitte is the "broderdatter" of "Margrethe sal. Jochum Thiesens her udiSvaneke."
2) The June 4, 1685 probate for Claus and Margrethe's son TerchildClausen Kjøller's wife Boel Henningsdatter, which mentions Margrethe andthree of her sons: "Margrete s. Jochum Thisens i Suaniche fordred paahendis børns veigne de som er u-myndige penge. . . Anders ThiesenJochumbsen i Suaniche fordred. . . Petter Thisen af Suaniche fordredpenge. . . Claus Thisen i Suaniche fordred penge. . . ."
3) And on the April, 9, 1685 probate for Claus Kiøller's son from hissecond marriage, Mogens Clausen Kjøller, which also mentions Margrethe:"Margrethe s. Jochum Thisens i Suaniche fordred efter frembsenkesedelpenge. . ."
4) Hans Clausen Kjøller (c.1642-1689), the heir to Kjøllergård, 13 Slg.Ibsker, was the guardian of Margrethe's youngest child, Cathrine, afterthe death of Jochum Thiesen. In the June 13, 1690 can be found thefollowing: "Petter Thiesen i Suaniche for der som enche ved gisch rigtigat verre. . . End og fore gifuer Petter Thiesen at sahl. Hans Køller varverger for sin søster Thrine Jochumsdatter".
5) Cathrine Jochumsdatter Thiesen was the sponsor at the May 21, 1689baptism of Terchild Clausen Kjøller's son Mogens.
6) In the 1693 probate for Henning Albertsen we find that Peter(Jochumsen) Thiesen of Svaneke acted as guardian for Terchild ClausenKjøller's daughter Birgitte, the grand-daughter (datterdatter) of HenningAlbertsen.
7) In the July 15, 1690 probate hearing after the death of TerchildClausen Kjøller, Anders Thiesen acted as the guardian of Terchild's widowAnne Mogensdatter.
8) It is notable that Jochum and Margrethe named one of their sons Clausand a daughter Margrethe - after her parents?
- Norman Lee Madsen, November 20, 2000.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
1 MISC Childless (Barnløs)
1 MISC Årsdale, Ibsker parish, Bornholm
1 MISC Åker parish, Bornholm
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Drummer (Tambourmand)
1 MISC Lille Grammegård, 23 Slg. Åker, Bornholm