Selected Families and Individuals


Oluf Kofoed

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Middleclass Citizen (Borger)
1 MISC Kofoedgård, 23 Slg. Østermarie, Bornholm

Oluf Pedersen Kofoed was married first to Margrethe Sigvardsdatter in1608; secondly to Gjertrud Lauridsdatter in 1623. He had moved to Ystadin the Danish province of Skåne, where he settled and eventually becamethe Mayor; and where his son Sivert would also become mayor. His othersons were Peder and Hans, although which of the two women are theirmother I do not have in my records, possibly it is not known. They werethe forefathers of a large branch of the Kofoed family in southernSverige/Sweden.

Skåne (aka Scania) was a Danish province for sover 500 hundred yearsbefore it was lost in war to the Swedes; handed over to Sverige/Sweden asa result of the "Peace of Roskilde", signed in 1658. The old territoryof Skåne now comprises the counties (läns) of Malmöhus and Kristianstad.

In Denmark, a person did not become a citizen (borger) by virtue of beingborn in a place. Citizenship was a valuable privilege that included: theright to engage in business in a community; rights and protections underthe law; permission to reside in a community without being expelled.Citizenship was extended by individual communities to some of theirinhabitants, primarily those who wanted to engage in business, and didnot pertain to citizenship in the country as a whole. Until thetwentieth century, only males of the middle and upper classes, mostlymerchants and tradesmen, were granted citizenship.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Mogens Pedersen

Bosat i Bodilsker i 1697 iflg skifte efter Dorthe Jacobsdatter Poulsker

Jens Hansen

1 MISC Childless (Barnløs)