1 _FA1
2 PLAC Middleclass Citizen (Borger)
1 MISC Kofoedgård, 23 Slg. Østermarie, Bornholm
Oluf Pedersen Kofoed was married first to Margrethe Sigvardsdatter in1608; secondly to Gjertrud Lauridsdatter in 1623. He had moved to Ystadin the Danish province of Skåne, where he settled and eventually becamethe Mayor; and where his son Sivert would also become mayor. His othersons were Peder and Hans, although which of the two women are theirmother I do not have in my records, possibly it is not known. They werethe forefathers of a large branch of the Kofoed family in southernSverige/Sweden.Skåne (aka Scania) was a Danish province for sover 500 hundred yearsbefore it was lost in war to the Swedes; handed over to Sverige/Sweden asa result of the "Peace of Roskilde", signed in 1658. The old territoryof Skåne now comprises the counties (läns) of Malmöhus and Kristianstad.
In Denmark, a person did not become a citizen (borger) by virtue of beingborn in a place. Citizenship was a valuable privilege that included: theright to engage in business in a community; rights and protections underthe law; permission to reside in a community without being expelled.Citizenship was extended by individual communities to some of theirinhabitants, primarily those who wanted to engage in business, and didnot pertain to citizenship in the country as a whole. Until thetwentieth century, only males of the middle and upper classes, mostlymerchants and tradesmen, were granted citizenship.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
Bosat i Bodilsker i 1697 iflg skifte efter Dorthe Jacobsdatter 11.sg Poulsker
1 MISC Childless (Barnløs)