Selected Families and Individuals


Edvard Olsen Sonne

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Corporal
1 MISC Churchwarden (Kirkeværge) for Klemensker

Gerda Andrea Mueller

1 MISC Emigrated to America

According to Vilhelm Svendsen's "Østerlarsker Slægter" (1942) her husbandEdward Clark lived in "Berkelsy, Californien", probably a misspelling ofBerkeley?

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Edvard Olufsen Sonne

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Lieutenant

From the Åker-Åkirkeby kirkebog:
May 17, 1689: Nr. 4, 17 May fermed Edvard Olsens søn Ole der den 10 Mayvar hiemmedøbt, baaris af Maren Hl. Jørgens. Fadd: Herman Bohne, RasmusNielsen, Gunnel Jochumsd. og Karen Hans Pederssens.

June 14, 1689: Liig Nr. 3, 14 Jun. Edvard Olsens søn Ole.

October 13, 1690: Nr. 3, 13 Oct. Edvard Olsens datter Margrete, baarenaf Fru Martha Hoffman. Fadd: Hl. Jørgen Jensen af Østerlarsker Sogn, Hl.Hans Olsen af Boelsker Sogn, Morten Jenssen i Rønne, Henning Bohne,Margrete Hans Sivertssens.

January 17, 1716: Edvard Olsen q. Karen, S: Jørgen, fød 8 Janv. AnnaMaria Buggenhagen, Hr. Herman Sode, Andreas Smid, Kistine Sophie JørgenOlsens, Karen Andersdatter.

October 20, 1710: Edvard Olsen q. Karen Kofod, S: Ole fød 9 Oct.Elsebye Hans Skovs, Brigadier Rendts, Christopher Sonne, MarieJørgensdatter.

February 22, 1713: Edvard Olsen q. Karen, S: Hans fød 14 Febr. KarenHans Kofods, Ritmester Rasmus Nielsen, Hr. Oluff Sonne, Maren HansAndersens, Karen Thuesdatter.

January 18, 1729: Sepult., Karen Kofod Hansdatter sal. Lieut. EdvartOlsen Sonnes gl. 41 aar.

In 1720 Edvard Sonne was involved in salvaging cargo from a dutchshipwreck. This was the cause of several court appearances, as the cargoof 120 kegs of french cognac (about 4,524 litres) was quite valuable.

The church for Åkirkeby township and Åker parish is located just outsideof the township of Åkirkeby proper, so paradoxically enough the town thatdraws its name from the "River Church" (Aae Kirke) does not actually havea church within its municipal boundries at all. Åkirkeby was thetraditional seat of Bornholm's judiciary authority, its "Landsting"(Parliament), and the Aae Kirke was used as their meeting place.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Edvard Olufsen Sonne

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Lieutenant

From the Åker-Åkirkeby kirkebog:
May 17, 1689: Nr. 4, 17 May fermed Edvard Olsens søn Ole der den 10 Mayvar hiemmedøbt, baaris af Maren Hl. Jørgens. Fadd: Herman Bohne, RasmusNielsen, Gunnel Jochumsd. og Karen Hans Pederssens.

June 14, 1689: Liig Nr. 3, 14 Jun. Edvard Olsens søn Ole.

October 13, 1690: Nr. 3, 13 Oct. Edvard Olsens datter Margrete, baarenaf Fru Martha Hoffman. Fadd: Hl. Jørgen Jensen af Østerlarsker Sogn, Hl.Hans Olsen af Boelsker Sogn, Morten Jenssen i Rønne, Henning Bohne,Margrete Hans Sivertssens.

January 17, 1716: Edvard Olsen q. Karen, S: Jørgen, fød 8 Janv. AnnaMaria Buggenhagen, Hr. Herman Sode, Andreas Smid, Kistine Sophie JørgenOlsens, Karen Andersdatter.

October 20, 1710: Edvard Olsen q. Karen Kofod, S: Ole fød 9 Oct.Elsebye Hans Skovs, Brigadier Rendts, Christopher Sonne, MarieJørgensdatter.

February 22, 1713: Edvard Olsen q. Karen, S: Hans fød 14 Febr. KarenHans Kofods, Ritmester Rasmus Nielsen, Hr. Oluff Sonne, Maren HansAndersens, Karen Thuesdatter.

January 18, 1729: Sepult., Karen Kofod Hansdatter sal. Lieut. EdvartOlsen Sonnes gl. 41 aar.

In 1720 Edvard Sonne was involved in salvaging cargo from a dutchshipwreck. This was the cause of several court appearances, as the cargoof 120 kegs of french cognac (about 4,524 litres) was quite valuable.

The church for Åkirkeby township and Åker parish is located just outsideof the township of Åkirkeby proper, so paradoxically enough the town thatdraws its name from the "River Church" (Aae Kirke) does not actually havea church within its municipal boundries at all. Åkirkeby was thetraditional seat of Bornholm's judiciary authority, its "Landsting"(Parliament), and the Aae Kirke was used as their meeting place.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Jørgen Johan Wefstsen Schou

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Lieutenant
1 MISC Artilleryman (Konstabel)

Else Margrethe Kofoed

1 MISC Lille Myregård, Pedersker, Bornholm

Algaut Gautrekson

1 _FA1
2 PLAC King in Lejre