1 MISC Kildegård, 16 Slg. Pedersker, Bornholm
From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1689:
Sønderherridt, Pederscher Sogn, Bunde, Nr. 16: Jens Koefoed.Extracted from probate for Jens Madsen Kofoed, June 6, 1717, page 44b:
Salig Jens Koefoed som boede og døde paa det 2' Fri Waarnedegaard iPerscher Sogn, og det imellem hans efterlevende hustru BarbaraNicolajsdaatter, for hende efter begierining til laug værge Hr. OlufSonne, paa ene, og paa 2' side denne salig mand med sin hustru sammenavlede børn som er 3 sønner og 3 døttre. Dend eldste søn er Johan JensenKoefoed, boende i Perscher Sogn, dend anden søn Nicolaj Jensen, sin egenværge. Denne 3' søn Mads Jensen og paa 25 aar sin egen værge. Dendeldste daatter Anne Jensdaatter i egteschab med Peder Larsen, boende iPerscher Sogn. Dend 2' daatter Engel Jensdaatter, for hende værge Capt.Hans Koefoed. Dend 3' daatter Chatrine Jensdaatter, for hende værgehendes eldste broder Johan Jensen.This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
Nicolai Madsen Kofoed and Christine Ibsdatter had 10 children.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
Nicolai Madsen Kofoed and Christine Ibsdatter had 10 children.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Lieutenant
1 MISC Øster Åbygård, 23 Slg. Nyker, Bornholm
Peder Pedersen Ridder resided at Smedegård, 16' Åker until 1764.Thereafter he had Frigård, 12 Vdg. in Poulsker parish no later than1794. In 1790 he had taken over Øster Åbygård, 23 Slg. in Nyker parish.From the 1801 census of Nyker parish:
23 Slg.: Peder Ridder, Husbond, 67 years, 2nd marriage, "Bonde ogGaardbeboer"; Kirstine Larsdatter, his wife, 36, 1st marriage. His son:Christian Pedersen, 23, unmarried, Dragoon. Their children: KirstinePedersdatter, 12;
Peder Pedersen, 9; Lars Pedersen, 5. Also: Claus Willumsen, servant, 40,"Tambour"; and Karen Hansdatter, 22, servant.This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
From the 1787 census of Klemensker:
26 Slg.: Peder Jørgensen, 41, Husbond, begge i 1' ægteskab, Bonde ogved Herreds Compagniet; Karen Andersdatter, 37, Madmoder, begge i 1'ægteskab; Jørgen Pedersen, 1, deres barn; Karen Pedersdatter, 14, deresbarn; Sidsel Pedersdatter, 12, deres barn; Kirstine Pedersdatter, 10,deres barn; Else Cathrine Pedersdatter, 6, deres barn; Anne MariePedersdatter, 4, deres barn; Sidsel Bendtsdatter, 77, konens moder, Enkeefter 1' ægteskab.Peder Jørgensen's children are mentioned as inheritors of his brotherPoul Jørgensen's widow Karen Hansdatter of Piberegård, 36 Slg. inKlemensker parish. The youngest child mentioned was born after 1787.Daughter Karen Pedersdatter is mentioned as being the widow of HansLyster resident of a plot-of-land (grund) on Pilegård, 26 Slg. inKlemensker.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
1 MISC Øster Pilegård, 26 Slg. Klemensker, Bornholm
1 MISC Dune-Bailiff (Klitfoged) for Hasle township
In 1788 Mads Ridder married the Seigne Cathrine Clausdatter Bohn, widowat Vallegård, 15 Vdg. in Nyker parish. That same year he sold Vallegårdto his brother-in-law Herman Clausen Bohn in and exchange of farms, wherehe purchased Brødløsegård, 25' Slg in Rutsker parish from Herman Bohn for900 Silverdalers. On that occasion his name was listed as "Mads KofoedRidder" according to "Kures Gårdfortegnelser". A year later he soldBrødløsegård to Anders Hansen for 599 Silverdalers.In 1789 took over management of Store Gusegård, 55 Slg. in Åker parish,where he resided until 1802. In 1790 he bought and sold again Tulegård,10 Slg. in Rutsker parish. He purchased it from Hans Pedersen for 920Silverdalers and sold it to Wefst Andersen Schou for 899 Silverdalers.
Later in 1790 he purchased Dalegård, 2 Vdg. in Rutsker parish, fromClaus Pedersen for 1,499 Silverdalers; he sold that farm in 1799 to SørenTønnesen for 1,790 Silverdalers.
April 5, 1792: Die Viridium, Bapt: NB i Hasle Kirke. Mads Ridders Barn,Dideric Kofod kaldet, Suse: Anne, Hans Munchs Hustru. Testes (vidner)Peder Ridder, Lieutenant Frigaard, Anders Jørgensen, Johanne Pedersdtr.Ridder.
In 1800 a Jørgen Hansen Jephta purchased Pilegård, 36 Slg. in Østerlarsfrom Mads Kofoed (the surname Ridder was not used); there is no existingrecord of when Mads had acquired the farm for himself. He sold that farmfor 1,400 Rigsdalers, deed dated April 29, 1800.
From the 1801 census of Åker parish:
55 Slg.: Mads Kofoed Ridder, Husbond, 36 years, 1st marriage,Gaardbeboer; Seine Kathrine Klausdatter, his wife, 37, her secondmarriage; her children: Mogens Didriksen, 15; Stine Didriksdatter, 13;their children: Johanne Madsdatter, 8; Didrik Madsen, 6; Nicolay Madsen,3.Mads Kofoed (Ridder) purchased Skarpeskadegård, 2 Vdg. in Klemenskerfrom Anders Hansen in 1808 for 800 Silverdalers; and sold it to MonsLarsen in 1808 for 2,000 Silverdalers.
In 1815 he purchased Nørregård, 26 Slg. in Rø parish; and once againwithin the year had sold it by auction for 1,000 Rigsdalers to JensPedersen Lund (or Lind?). On this occasion we see the surname "Ridder"given as his name for the third time; there is no mention of a spouse,which makes it probable that Seigne Cathrine Clausdatter Bohn had passedaway.
In 1821 Mads Ridder became dune-bailiff (klitfoged) at Hasle'sdune-bailiff's residence: Skovgård. He resigned the position after anincident in which all his windows were smashed. Bailiffs were a frequenttarget for threats on their lives, as part of their mandate was to gatherup free-roaming cattle, etc. Thus Mads Ridder was attacked in 1822 byfarmer Hans Jørgen Bidstrup. The following is an extract from theNorthern district police report:
As Hans Jørgen Bidstrup had attacked dune-bailiff Mads Ridder one day inMarch after the latter had confiscated 10 heads of his cattle, commissarJespersen ordered a police court to be conducted in Hasle town-hall bybailiff Arboe.
After Mads Ridder had confined the roaming cattle in the pen by thedune-house (klithuset), he went to their owner to inform him that hecould retrieve his cattle for 16 Skillings each (the total amounted to 1Rigsdaler and 64 Skillings). Hans Jørgen Bidstrup sent his herd-boy(horra) to pick up the cattle withough giving him money to pay for thefine, and therefore he, of course, returned without any of the cattle!
Towards evening Hans Jørgen Bidstrup rode down himself to demanddeliverance, whereupon Mads Ridder answered, "Yes, but first hand overthe money!" In a rage Hans Bidstrup turned his horse and rode out intothe sand-dunes and circled around the pen. After a short while the angryrider came galloping full speed at Mads Ridder, apparently attempting toride him down! Mads quickly ran into the house, while the hostile HansBidstrup swung a heavy bamboo-rod and shouted outside, "I am going tobeat you so you cannot crawl or walk!" Out of fear of the hot-temperedman threatening to stay all night out side his house, Mads Ridder handedover the cattle without getting the fine, whereupon Hans Bidstrup rodeoff with his cows.
At court Hans Bidstrup, and his herd-boy and labourer Ole, confirmed thedune-bailiff's story. Next on the stand were Claus Pedersen and hiswife, who lived with the bailiff, they testified that the complaint readto the court was true; however, if Hans Bidstrup's threats of a beatingwere aimed at the bailiff or against his own horse, they could not vouchfor. (Bidstrup had interupted the reading of the complaint, saying thatit was his own horse he had threatened to beat.) Claus Pedersen's wifestated she had no doubts it was Mads Ridder he intended to beat up.
The dune-commissar sentenced Hans Jørgen Bidstrup to pay the extra fineof 50 Rigsdalers on top of the initial fine for the stray cattle. HansBidstrup asked for a postponement of three days, and this was granted.He returned to court proclaiming he had not intended to insult thebailiff, and offered to pay him 4 silver Rigsdalers, as well as to paythe fine for the cattle and the court expenses. Since both thedune-commissar and Mads Ridder agreed, the case was recommended by theparish to Revenue-Court, which proclaimed: it's a deal!
People in the know were for a long time saying after Hans Bidstrup'svisit to the dune-house that Mads Ridder's face looked like a"flæskepandekage" (literally a "bacon-pancake"!?).
From "Bornholmske Samlinger", volume 10, page 121; volume 11, page 87;and volume 32, pages 49 and 73.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
Seigne Cathrine Clausdatter Bohn
From 1787 census of Nyker parish:
15 Vdg.: Diderich Thuesen Funch, Husbonde, 38 years, married, Bonde andSergeant in the infantry; Zejne Clausdatter, his wife, 25, married; theirchildren: Mogens Diderichsen, 3 years, Aarzele Kirstine Diderichsdatter,2 years old. Also: Karen Andersdatter, 56 years, widow, wife's mother,retired.Note: there is conflict as to who is Signe's mother: the 1787 censusstates Karen Andersdatter, while "Kures Gårdfortengeleser" seems toindicate that it might be Karen Agnete Nielsdatter, daughter of NielsNielsen. See her father Claus Bohn's "Notes" field for more information.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
1 MISC Dune-Bailiff (Klitfoged) for Hasle township
In 1788 Mads Ridder married the Seigne Cathrine Clausdatter Bohn, widowat Vallegård, 15 Vdg. in Nyker parish. That same year he sold Vallegårdto his brother-in-law Herman Clausen Bohn in and exchange of farms, wherehe purchased Brødløsegård, 25' Slg in Rutsker parish from Herman Bohn for900 Silverdalers. On that occasion his name was listed as "Mads KofoedRidder" according to "Kures Gårdfortegnelser". A year later he soldBrødløsegård to Anders Hansen for 599 Silverdalers.In 1789 took over management of Store Gusegård, 55 Slg. in Åker parish,where he resided until 1802. In 1790 he bought and sold again Tulegård,10 Slg. in Rutsker parish. He purchased it from Hans Pedersen for 920Silverdalers and sold it to Wefst Andersen Schou for 899 Silverdalers.
Later in 1790 he purchased Dalegård, 2 Vdg. in Rutsker parish, fromClaus Pedersen for 1,499 Silverdalers; he sold that farm in 1799 to SørenTønnesen for 1,790 Silverdalers.
April 5, 1792: Die Viridium, Bapt: NB i Hasle Kirke. Mads Ridders Barn,Dideric Kofod kaldet, Suse: Anne, Hans Munchs Hustru. Testes (vidner)Peder Ridder, Lieutenant Frigaard, Anders Jørgensen, Johanne Pedersdtr.Ridder.
In 1800 a Jørgen Hansen Jephta purchased Pilegård, 36 Slg. in Østerlarsfrom Mads Kofoed (the surname Ridder was not used); there is no existingrecord of when Mads had acquired the farm for himself. He sold that farmfor 1,400 Rigsdalers, deed dated April 29, 1800.
From the 1801 census of Åker parish:
55 Slg.: Mads Kofoed Ridder, Husbond, 36 years, 1st marriage,Gaardbeboer; Seine Kathrine Klausdatter, his wife, 37, her secondmarriage; her children: Mogens Didriksen, 15; Stine Didriksdatter, 13;their children: Johanne Madsdatter, 8; Didrik Madsen, 6; Nicolay Madsen,3.Mads Kofoed (Ridder) purchased Skarpeskadegård, 2 Vdg. in Klemenskerfrom Anders Hansen in 1808 for 800 Silverdalers; and sold it to MonsLarsen in 1808 for 2,000 Silverdalers.
In 1815 he purchased Nørregård, 26 Slg. in Rø parish; and once againwithin the year had sold it by auction for 1,000 Rigsdalers to JensPedersen Lund (or Lind?). On this occasion we see the surname "Ridder"given as his name for the third time; there is no mention of a spouse,which makes it probable that Seigne Cathrine Clausdatter Bohn had passedaway.
In 1821 Mads Ridder became dune-bailiff (klitfoged) at Hasle'sdune-bailiff's residence: Skovgård. He resigned the position after anincident in which all his windows were smashed. Bailiffs were a frequenttarget for threats on their lives, as part of their mandate was to gatherup free-roaming cattle, etc. Thus Mads Ridder was attacked in 1822 byfarmer Hans Jørgen Bidstrup. The following is an extract from theNorthern district police report:
As Hans Jørgen Bidstrup had attacked dune-bailiff Mads Ridder one day inMarch after the latter had confiscated 10 heads of his cattle, commissarJespersen ordered a police court to be conducted in Hasle town-hall bybailiff Arboe.
After Mads Ridder had confined the roaming cattle in the pen by thedune-house (klithuset), he went to their owner to inform him that hecould retrieve his cattle for 16 Skillings each (the total amounted to 1Rigsdaler and 64 Skillings). Hans Jørgen Bidstrup sent his herd-boy(horra) to pick up the cattle withough giving him money to pay for thefine, and therefore he, of course, returned without any of the cattle!
Towards evening Hans Jørgen Bidstrup rode down himself to demanddeliverance, whereupon Mads Ridder answered, "Yes, but first hand overthe money!" In a rage Hans Bidstrup turned his horse and rode out intothe sand-dunes and circled around the pen. After a short while the angryrider came galloping full speed at Mads Ridder, apparently attempting toride him down! Mads quickly ran into the house, while the hostile HansBidstrup swung a heavy bamboo-rod and shouted outside, "I am going tobeat you so you cannot crawl or walk!" Out of fear of the hot-temperedman threatening to stay all night out side his house, Mads Ridder handedover the cattle without getting the fine, whereupon Hans Bidstrup rodeoff with his cows.
At court Hans Bidstrup, and his herd-boy and labourer Ole, confirmed thedune-bailiff's story. Next on the stand were Claus Pedersen and hiswife, who lived with the bailiff, they testified that the complaint readto the court was true; however, if Hans Bidstrup's threats of a beatingwere aimed at the bailiff or against his own horse, they could not vouchfor. (Bidstrup had interupted the reading of the complaint, saying thatit was his own horse he had threatened to beat.) Claus Pedersen's wifestated she had no doubts it was Mads Ridder he intended to beat up.
The dune-commissar sentenced Hans Jørgen Bidstrup to pay the extra fineof 50 Rigsdalers on top of the initial fine for the stray cattle. HansBidstrup asked for a postponement of three days, and this was granted.He returned to court proclaiming he had not intended to insult thebailiff, and offered to pay him 4 silver Rigsdalers, as well as to paythe fine for the cattle and the court expenses. Since both thedune-commissar and Mads Ridder agreed, the case was recommended by theparish to Revenue-Court, which proclaimed: it's a deal!
People in the know were for a long time saying after Hans Bidstrup'svisit to the dune-house that Mads Ridder's face looked like a"flæskepandekage" (literally a "bacon-pancake"!?).
From "Bornholmske Samlinger", volume 10, page 121; volume 11, page 87;and volume 32, pages 49 and 73.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.