Selected Families and Individuals


Else Kirstine Johansdatter Kofoed

1 MISC Emigrated to America

Johan Didrich Kofoed

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Lieutenant

From the 1787 cenus of Vestermarie parish:
6 Slg., 20' family: Johan Diderich Kofod, husbond, 33 years, firstmarriage, Sergeant; Kirstine Thuesdatter, husmoder, 27, first marriage;their children: Peder Johansen Kofod, 1; Else Kirstine Johansdatter, 3.Also, the wife's mother: Kirstine, Thue Mogensen's widow, 68 years old.

The two farms known as the "Twin farms" (Tvillingsgårde) are the 5 Slg.and 6 Slg. in the south-eastern part of Vestermarie parish, they arelocated just to the east of the Smørenge farms.

According to an International Genealogy Index entry KirstineThuesdatter's name is: Kirstine Thuesen Mogensen, however this is anignorant distortion of the Danish patronymic naming system of that time.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Peder Hansen Rytter

Peder Hansen Rytter was first married to Kirstine Mogensdatter, therewere 2 sons. Second marriage to Dorothea Pedersdatter Kofoed, they hadone son. Last marriage to Boel Mogensdatter, 2 sons and 3 daughters, seeher notes field for more.

From the Nyker kirkebog:
May 17, 1692: Tredie Pindzedag blef døbt Peder Hansens søn ved AaenPeder kaldet. Hannem bar til daaben Magrette Claus Terchels. Faddere:Niels Terchelsen, Jørgen Svendsen, Rasmus Pedersen, Magrette Hans Anders,Esper Ibsens datter Kirsten.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Terkild Pedersen

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Duty Officer (Vagtmester)
1 MISC Tornbygårde, 62 Slg. Klemensker, Bornholm

From the 1845 census of Klemensker parish:
12 Vdg. (Tornby): Thorkild Pedersen, 58 years, born Klemensker parish,farmer; Marthe Kirstine Pihl, 58, Klemensker, his wife; their children:Peder Thorkild Pedersen, 27, Klemensker; Claus Flyng Pedersen, 21,Klemensker; Birgithe Cathrine Pedersen, 19, Klemensker; Ulrikke Pedersen,14, Klemensker.

Note the age given for Martha Kirstine Pihl (born c.1787) does not matchwith birth year calculated from 1787 census. This is possibly a mistake,or perhaps the Martha Kirstine Pihl born c.1782 died, and another childborn after the 1787 census was named after her.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Claus Flyng Jensen Piil

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Dragoon-Captain
1 MISC Hasle, Bornholm