Selected Families and Individuals


Niels Mikkelsen

1 MISC Emigrated to America

Signe Katrine Jørgensen

1 MISC Emigrated to America

Niels Mikkelsen

1 MISC Emigrated to America

Lauritz Peter Jørgensen

1 MISC Emigrated to America

Hans Lund Kofoed

1 MISC Kokkeløkken, Allinge-Sandvig parish, Bornholm

Margrethe Kirstine Larsdatter

From the 1845 census of Allinge-Sandvig townships:
Slotsvangen eller Hammersholm nr. 4: Margrethe Kirstine Lund, 45 years,born in Rutsker parish, "Spindekone", widow. Her children: Lars Koefoed,19, unmarried, born in Rutsker parish, "Smedesvend"; Hans Wilhelm Lund,12, born in Sandvig parish; Peder Koefoed, 6, Sandvig parish; KirstineSophie Koefoed, 22, Rutsker parish, "Spinding og Vævning".

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Ole Svendsen

From the 1845 census of Olsker parish:
En Gaard: Hans Jørgen Clausen, 23, Gift, Gaardmand; Marthe KirstineClausen, 27, Gift, Hans kone; Caroline Margrethe Clausen, 2, Ugift, Deresdatter; Niels Espersen, 26, Ugift, Hans bror; Ole Svendsen, 26, Ugift,Tjenestecarl; Niels Jacobsen, 18, Ugift, Tjenestedreng; Karen Marie, 30,Gift, Tjenestepige; Petrie Larsdatter, 19, Ugift, Tjenestepige; BodilKirstine Sehov, 10, Ugift, Tjenestepige.

From the Allinge-Olsker kirkebog:
April 17, 1840: Unmarried girl Martha Kaas of Sandvig christened her sonnamed Jørgen Peter Olsen, the out-of-wedlock father was Ole Svendsen ofOlsker parish. The couple were married May 26, 1840.

From the 1845 census of Allinge-Sandvig parish:
Ole Svendsen, 32 years, married, born in Østermarie parish, "Daglejer";Martha Kaas, 29, married, born in Sandvig parish; their children: JørgenPeter Olsen, 5, Sandvig parish; Hans Olsen, 3, Sandvig parish; BertheaKirstine Svendsen, 1, Sandvig parish.

Note that in the 1845 census Ole Svendsen is stated as being born inØstermarie parish; while according to the GEDCOM of Michael Gene Walterhe was born in Olsker parish, who also states that his father was a SvenSvendsen; however there is no christening record for an Ole Svendsen borncirca 1813 in the Olsker church-book. The christening record for sonJørgen Peter Olsen in 1840 states that Ole Svendsen was residing inOlsker parish at that time.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Svend Mogensen

1 MISC Lille Ravnsgård, 14 Slg. Østermarie, Bornholm