1 _FA1
2 PLAC Major
1 MISC Poulsker parish, Bornholm
From the 1845 census of Åker parish:
34 Slg.: Hans Madsen Koefoed, 53 years, born in Åker parish,farm-owner, Ritmester; Maren Kierstine Sonne, 46, born Åker parish, wife;their children: Ole Edvard Sonne Koefoed, 26, unmarried, Åker; MarieKoefoed, 21, unmarried, Poulsker; Christine Koefoed, 19, unmarried,Poulsker; Hans Conrad Koefoed, 17, Poulsker; Nicoline Koefoed, 14,Poulsker; Anine Mathilde Koefoed, 12, Åker; Gjerthea Caroline Koefoed, 9,Åker; Niels Adolf Koefoed, 8, Åker; Christian Albert Koefoed, 5, Åker.NOTE: In "Lauegaard Familien", by Inge Hansen (published 1971), itstates that an "Ole Edvard Sonne", born May 15, 1821 and died March 23,1910, was the son of Hans Madsen Koefoed and Maren Kirstine Sonne ofLauegård. That he was married on March 17, 1843 to a Signe JohanneKoefoed; and that their first child was Mathea Cathrine Sonne, born May26, 1844. However, as we can see from the 1845 census Ole, the son ofHans Madsen Kofoed and Maren Kirstine Sonne was born circa 1819/20, hewas living at home with his parents, and was unmarried as of the 1845census.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Lieutenant
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Lieutenant
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Major
1 MISC Poulsker parish, Bornholm
From the 1845 census of Åker parish:
34 Slg.: Hans Madsen Koefoed, 53 years, born in Åker parish,farm-owner, Ritmester; Maren Kierstine Sonne, 46, born Åker parish, wife;their children: Ole Edvard Sonne Koefoed, 26, unmarried, Åker; MarieKoefoed, 21, unmarried, Poulsker; Christine Koefoed, 19, unmarried,Poulsker; Hans Conrad Koefoed, 17, Poulsker; Nicoline Koefoed, 14,Poulsker; Anine Mathilde Koefoed, 12, Åker; Gjerthea Caroline Koefoed, 9,Åker; Niels Adolf Koefoed, 8, Åker; Christian Albert Koefoed, 5, Åker.NOTE: In "Lauegaard Familien", by Inge Hansen (published 1971), itstates that an "Ole Edvard Sonne", born May 15, 1821 and died March 23,1910, was the son of Hans Madsen Koefoed and Maren Kirstine Sonne ofLauegård. That he was married on March 17, 1843 to a Signe JohanneKoefoed; and that their first child was Mathea Cathrine Sonne, born May26, 1844. However, as we can see from the 1845 census Ole, the son ofHans Madsen Kofoed and Maren Kirstine Sonne was born circa 1819/20, hewas living at home with his parents, and was unmarried as of the 1845census.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
1 MISC Piper (Pibere) for the district army company