1 MISC Seal (Segl): a cow-foot (et koben)
Mads Kofoed inherited land-ownership (proprietair) rights to Kofoedgård,which he took over with a deed of conveyance dated July 10, 1630, fromhis brother Oluf Kofoed, who had managed the farm while his brother Madswas under-age. Mads Kofoed was continually plagued by financialdifficulties; in 1624 he had to sell part ownership of a farm inØsterlars parish which was his wife's property. After his wife KarineHansdatter Kofoed died (sometime between 1637 and 1645) his debt grewagain, as he was obliged to pay out to his children their maternalinheritance.Mads Kofoed must have remarried, as the probate held after his death in1646 tells us he left behind a widow named "Karrine Hansdatter".According to the probate the farm's buildings were old and in poorrepair; the house and adjascent buildings were only appraised at 700Silverdalers.
After he died probate was held on November 2, 1646, and it tells us thatthe farm buildings were very run-down and the total value of the propertywas not more than 700 Silverdalers. Those who have studied hisjudgements have come away with the impression that he, as far aspossible, supported the lower-courts and was often swayed by them. Also,it is noted that many of the officials for the lower-court seemed togradually become members of the Kofoed-family!
From Bornholm's Jordebog, April 19, 1661:
Suaneke: Peder Koefod. . . Tolff tønder. Pouel Koefod. . . Tiuge tønder.This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Drummer (Tambourmand)
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Piper (Piber)
1 MISC Assistant to the pastor (Præstens medheilper)
From the 1787 census of Nylars parish:
Imensgaard, 25 Slg.: Peder Pedersen, husbonde, 55 years, married,"Gaardbeboer, præstens med heilper, Rodemester og ved Herredscompagniet";Margaretha Christensdatter, madmoder, 39, married; their children: PederPedersen, 16, unmarried; Jens Pedersen, 14; Giertrud Pedersdatter, 12;Kirstine Pedersdatter, 6. Also: Mogens Larsen, 23, unmarried,farm-labourer, Dragoon; Martha Hansdatter, 19, unmarried, servant.This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
1 MISC Lille Munkegård, 47' Sl.g Åker, Bornholm
1 MISC Lille Munkegård, 47' Sl.g Åker, Bornholm
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Lieutenant
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Lieutenant