Maren Henrichsdatter and Mogens Larsen had six children in theirmarriage. She had two more children in her second marriage to ThomasHansen.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Dragoon
1 MISC Brødløsegård, 25 Slg. Rutsker, Bornholm
1 MISC Lille Vedbygård, 1 Slg. Olsker, Bornholm
1 MISC Frigård, 1 Vdg. Rutsker, Bornholm
1 _FA1
2 DATE 9 Sep 1765
2 PLAC Middleclass Citizen (Borger)
1 MISC Home-owner (Husejer)