Selected Families and Individuals


Edvard Olsen Sonne

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Lieutenant
1 MISC Øster Ellesgård, 67 Slg. Åker, Bornholm

Oluf II Haraldsen , of Skåne

1 _FA1
2 DATE 1140-1143
2 PLAC King of Skåne

Oluf II, King of Skåne from 1140 to 1143. He was killed in Tjuteå,Skåne, during a battle with Erik Lam, a rebel seeking to take Oluf'sinheritance. He was the only surviving son of Harald Kesja' six sons.Sources: "Nachkommen Gorms des Alten", by S.O. Brenner, 1978; and"Strangesønnerne", Sigvard Mahler Dam, Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, 1993.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Christen Pedersen Blem

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Drummer (Tambourmand)
1 MISC Lille Grammegård, 23 Slg. Åker, Bornholm

Pepin the Short

1 _FA1
2 DATE 751
2 PLAC King of the Carolinian Kingdom
1 MISC Founder of the Carolingian House

Pepin the Short, King of the Franks was born in 714. Died on 24 Sep 768.

Pepin the Short (circa 714-68), mayor of the palace of Austrasia and kingof the Franks (751-68), the son of the Frankish ruler Charles Martel, andthe grandson of Pepin of Herstal. He was mayor of the palace during thereign of Childeric III (reigned about 743-52), the last of theMerovingian dynasty.

In 751, Pepin deposed Childeric and thus became the first king of theCarolingian dynasty. He was crowned by Pope Stephen II (III) in 754.When the pope was threatened by the Lombards of northern Italy, Pepin ledan army that defeated them (754-55). He ceded to the pope territory thatincluded Ravenna and other cities. This grant, called the Donation ofPepin, laid the foundation for the Papal States.

Pepin enlarged his own kingdom by capturing Aquitaine, or Aquitania, insouthwestern France. He was succeeded by his sons Carloman (751-71) andCharlemagne as joint kings. He married Bertrada II de Laon, she died in783.

Bertrade de Jongere , of Laon

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Countess of Laon

Jens Mogensen Sadler

1 _FA1
2 DATE 15 Feb 1743
2 PLAC Middleclass Citizen (Borger)
1 MISC Snøvteregård, 2 Slg. Vestermarie, Bornholm

b 31, Side 429b. 1732. 18. Nov.
Mons Larsen, Møllehuset, Poulsker.
Margrethe Thomasdatter. Laugv: Hans Pedersen, Bodilsker.
6 søn. 1 dat.
A: Thomas Monsen, f. 1711.
B: Lars Monsen, f. 1714. Værge: Bror, Thomas Monsen.
C: Jens Monsen, f. 1717. Værge: Farbror, Hans Larsen, Snogebæk.
D: Peder Monsen, f. 1722. Værge: Faders slægt, Hans Jensen, Poulsker.
E: Jacob Monsen, f. 1725. Værge: Morbror, Jacob Thomasen Folkmand.
F: Hans Monsen, f. 1729. Værge: Moders søsk.barn, Anders Hansen,Poulsker.
G: Anne Monsdatter, f. 1707. Værge: Jørgen Thomasen, Poulsker.

b 32, Side 371b. 1732. 18. Nov. Skifte nr. 63.
Mons Larsen, Møllehuset, Poulsker.
Margrethe Thomasdatter. Laugv: Hans Pedersen, Bodilsker.
6 søn. 1 dat.
A: Thomas Monsen, f. 1711.
B: Lars Monsen, f. 1714. Værge: Bror, Thomas Monsen.
C: Jens Monsen, f. 1717. Værge: Farbror, Hans Larsen, Snogebæk.
D: Peder Monsen, f. 1722. Værge: Faders slægt, Hans Jensen, Poulsker.
E: Jacob Monsen, f. 1725. Værge: Morbror, Jacob Thomasen Folkmand.
F: Hans Monsen, f. 1729. Værge: Moders søsk.barn, Anders Hansen,Poulsker.
G: Anne Monsdatter, f. 1707. Værge: Morbror, Jørgen Thomasen,Poulsker.