Selected Families and Individuals


Skjalm Hvide

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Earl (Jarl) of Sjælland
1 MISC Grandee (Høvding) of Rügen

Skjalm Hvide was an Earl (Jarl) on Sjælland for many years. He owned agreat deal of land on Sjælland, especially in the area around Sorø. In1062 he joined Svend Estridsen's fight against Harald Haardraade nearNisaa, where he was wounded and taken prisoner, but according to Saxo'schronical he managed to escape at Gedesø. He also participated in ErikEjegod's onslaught against the Vends, and he was apointed as Commander(Høvding) of Rügen after its defeat. His brother "Avte" (Aage) died in abattle with the Vends on the way from Sjælland to Falster. Skjalm Hvidewas foster-father of Knud Lavard, who would later become king. Skjalmdied circa 1113, he had lived to a very old age, and was buried inFjenneslev, but his remains were later moved to Sorø by Bishop Absalon.

"Hvide" (White) was Skjalm's personal nickname, not a family-name - nocertain information is known about his ancestry; though some speculatethat he is the son of a Toke Trylle. Skjalm Hvide is considered the thefounding father of the mighty danish "Hvide-ætten" (Hvide-family). He isthe forefather of the two Galen family-lines, through his sons Ebbe andSune.

(Sources: Dansk Adelsårbog, 1898, page 223; "1000 Aner til enSkovgårdsslægt", Edvard Skovgaard, 1989; "Hvidernes by, kirke og gårdFJENNESLEV", Lars Andersen, 1977.)

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Gudbrand Kula

Kule, Gudbrand, Levde 1000. Gulbrand bodde på Opplandene og harantagelig båret hersenavn. Han tilhørte antagelig en gren av den mektigeherseætt på Hundorp i Fron som Dale-Gulbrand var overhode for.

Foruten Åsta, som etter Harald Grenskes død giftet seg med Sigurd Syr,hadde Gulbrand to døtre. Den ene ble gift med Tord på Steig som kallesden mektigste mann i den nordre del av Gudbrandsdalen. Den andre ble giftmed Vebjørn på Huseby i Lier. Gulbrand levde ved år 1000.

Arnulf , of Metz

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Bishop of Metz
1 MISC Saint