Selected Families and Individuals


Jens Nielsen Bjørn

1 MISC Knudsker parish, Bornholm

Christen Hansen Kure

1 MISC Tejn, Olsker parish, Bornholm

Kirsten Hansdatter

Side 539b. 1792. 12. Sep.
Kirstine Hansdatter, 27. Sg. Østerlars. Enkemand: Niels Pedersen. 1datter: Karen Kirstine Nielsdatter, 3/4 aar. Værge: Far. Tilsynsv: HansAndersen, 7. Sg. Østermarie og Jep Nielsen, 64. Sg. Østermarie.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Berengar II , of Italia

1 _FA1
2 PLAC King of Italia

Robert I , of the Franks

1 _FA1
2 DATE 922-923
2 PLAC King of the Franks

Arnulf II le Jeune

1 _FA1
2 DATE 965-988
2 PLAC Count of Flanders

Rosella Suzanna , of Ivrea

Rosella (Suzanna) of Italy, died on 7 Feb 1003.

She married Arnulf II the Young in 968. Arnulf II the Young, died on 30Mar 987.

They had the following children:

+93 i. Baldwin IV Count of Flanders

She also married Robert II King of France in 989. Robert II King ofFrance was born on 27 Mar 970 in Orleans, Loiret, Orleanais, France.Died in 1031. Reigned in 996/1031. Excommunicated in 998. Robert II(of France), called Robert the Pious (970?-1031), king of France(996-1031), the son of King Hugh Capet, born in Orléans, and educated atReims under the French scholar Gerbert, who later became Pope SylvesterII. In 996 Robert married, as his second wife, his cousin Bertha ofBurgundy (born 962?). Two years later Pope Gregory V (died 999)excommunicated him and annulled this marriage, which was consideredincestuous by the church; in 1003 Robert submitted to the pope andmarried the daughter of the marquis of Provence, Constance of Arles (died1032), by whom he had four sons. He recognized Hugh (1007-25), the eldestof these sons, as his successor. After Hugh's death in 1025, the othersons, aided by their mother, revolted; Robert was still fighting them atthe time of his own death. Robert was called The Pious because of hishumility and charity; he was also esteemed as a soldier and ruler.

They had the following children:

+94 i. Adelisa of France