Selected Families and Individuals


Mogens Kofoed

1 MISC Lille Bjergegård, 66 Slg. Vestermarie, Bornholm

From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1658, compiled during the Swedish occupationof the island:
Väster Häradh, Västermarch Sochn, Skattehemman, Nr. 35: Mons Koofoth. .. 18 Daler, 18 Öre, 12 Fr.

From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1662:
Vester Herridt, Vestermarck Sogn, Bunde, Nr. 35: Mougns Koefoed.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Jens Larsen

1 MISC Hoppegård, 37 Slg. Østermarie, Bornholm

Niels Christian Christiansen Sonne

1 MISC Emigrated to U.S.A.

Baldwin V Insulanus , of Lille

1 _FA1
2 DATE 1035-1067
2 PLAC Count of Flanders
1 MISC Regent for France

Baldwin the V was the Count of Flanders from 1035-1067, and regent ofFrance between 1060-1067.

Om hans forbindelse til Danmark vides intet, men som en pudsighed blevhans signet af bly fundet på Hærvejen i Læborg, vest for Kolding. Atmiste sit signet kunne være en katastrofe, da signetets aftryk i segletsvoks var bevis for et dokuments ægthed. Foto af signet i "Gyldendal ogPolitikens Danmarks historie" bind 4 side 98.

Adelissa , of the West Franks

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Countess of Contenance

Lars Michelsen

1 MISC Bjørnegård, 10 Vdg. Nyker, Bornholm