Selected Families and Individuals


Hans Aredsen Weidemann

In a deed dated March 6, 1841 ownership of Damaskegård was transferredover toHans Aredsen Weidemann from his mother for 800 Rigsdalers. Heowned the farm until his death in 1885.

From the 1845 census of Østerlars parish:
3' Selvejergård - Damaskegaard: Hans Weidemann, 31, gift, ØsterlarskerSogn, Gaardmand; Gjertrud Catrine Nørregaard, 25, gift, ØsterlarskerSogn, hans kone; Annine Caroline Weidemann, 1, Østerlarsker Sogn, deresdatter; Morten Peter Jensen, 22, ugift, Østermarie Sogn, Tjenestekarl;Ole Pedersen, 17, ugift, Gudhjem Sogn; Karen ??? Larsen, 22, ugift,Østerlarsker Sogn, Tjenestepige; Eleonora Kirstine Kofod, 22, ugift,Østerlarsker Sogn, Tjenestepige; Ane Marie Jensen, 11, ugift,Østerlarsker Sogn, Tjenestepige.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Hans Aredsen Weidemann

In a deed dated March 6, 1841 ownership of Damaskegård was transferredover toHans Aredsen Weidemann from his mother for 800 Rigsdalers. Heowned the farm until his death in 1885.

From the 1845 census of Østerlars parish:
3' Selvejergård - Damaskegaard: Hans Weidemann, 31, gift, ØsterlarskerSogn, Gaardmand; Gjertrud Catrine Nørregaard, 25, gift, ØsterlarskerSogn, hans kone; Annine Caroline Weidemann, 1, Østerlarsker Sogn, deresdatter; Morten Peter Jensen, 22, ugift, Østermarie Sogn, Tjenestekarl;Ole Pedersen, 17, ugift, Gudhjem Sogn; Karen ??? Larsen, 22, ugift,Østerlarsker Sogn, Tjenestepige; Eleonora Kirstine Kofod, 22, ugift,Østerlarsker Sogn, Tjenestepige; Ane Marie Jensen, 11, ugift,Østerlarsker Sogn, Tjenestepige.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Ancher Piil Kofoed

1 MISC Knarregård, 23 Slg. Ibsker, Bornholm

Ancher Piil Kofoed

1 MISC Knarregård, 23 Slg. Ibsker, Bornholm

Hans Hansen Piil

1 MISC Sigård, 67 Slg. Klemensker, Bornholm

Hans Hansen Piil arried to Anne Marie Larsdatter from Siegård, it was hersecond marriage; there were no children from their marriage. The 20 yearold "opsidder" (farm manager) Hans Piil was more enterprising than wasgood for him -- his guardian judged him irresponsible. It was in histime that so much of Siegård's forest was cut down. Because of this hewas ordered to pay compensation to neighboring farms no. 8' and 10'. Theamount in question was 60 Silverdalers, and had been set as the result ofa compromise deal made with the local authorities.

He was married on February 10, 1756 in Ibsker to Else Margrethe Kofoed(1734-1812). Hans Piil evidently must have matured with age, as he laterheld the position of Reeve (Sandemand) for East District (Østre Herred).

"Opsidder" is a very old Danish word which was used to describe a man whomarries a widow who has a child that is heir to the farm (on Bornholmthis was always the youngest son, and if no sons then the oldestdaughter). When the heir reaches the age of maturity, his mother and hernew husband would hand over the farm to the heir; after which they wouldeither retire or find another farm for themselves.

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.

Niels Pedersen Thorsen

1 MISC Munkegård, 16 Slg. Ibsker Bornholm

Niels Pedersen Thorsen

1 MISC Munkegård, 16 Slg. Ibsker Bornholm

Peder Nielsen Thorsen

1 MISC Stamperegård, 69 Slg. Østermarie, Bornholm

Peder Nielsen Thorsen and Anna Pedersdatter had 13 children, of which 5died in infancy. Peder inherited his father's farm Gadebygård in 1748.He was forced to go to court over the ownership of Stamperegård, a casethat took several years to resolve, and fills 360 pages ofdocumentation. Peder Thorsen did not win the case. He is recorded asdying of "langvarig gigt" (lingering painful rheumatism).

This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006.